Saturday 30 August 2008

Microresearch: Borrowing From The Microfinance Experience - CMAJ Editorial

�Small-scale health research studies in countries like Uganda would benefit from financing through a microfinancing model, similar to the microcredit model secondhand in development countries to foster small businesses and entrepreneurialism, pen Drs. Noni MacDonald and Jerome Kabakyenga for the CMAJ editorial team.

Microcredit is the concept developed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus wHO revolutionized funding for the poor in many developing countries. A microresearch poser would offer small grants to people who would not let access to research financial backing and give up the development of local research networks to portion knowledge, and develop and apply best practices to improve wellness.

The authors call for a inauguration fund of $20 to $30 meg to be distributed to developing countries and managed by local universities.

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