Saturday 30 August 2008

Microresearch: Borrowing From The Microfinance Experience - CMAJ Editorial

�Small-scale health research studies in countries like Uganda would benefit from financing through a microfinancing model, similar to the microcredit model secondhand in development countries to foster small businesses and entrepreneurialism, pen Drs. Noni MacDonald and Jerome Kabakyenga for the CMAJ editorial team.

Microcredit is the concept developed by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammed Yunus wHO revolutionized funding for the poor in many developing countries. A microresearch poser would offer small grants to people who would not let access to research financial backing and give up the development of local research networks to portion knowledge, and develop and apply best practices to improve wellness.

The authors call for a inauguration fund of $20 to $30 meg to be distributed to developing countries and managed by local universities.

About CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)

CMAJ is the leading health sciences journal in Canada. CMAJ is a general medical journal publishing original research and review articles, commentaries and editorials, recitation updates, an arts and ideas section and health news. Published continuously since 1911, new issues ar uploaded on every second Monday at 4:30 p.m. EST/EDT. hypertext transfer protocol:// contains the fill in editorial table of contents of CMAJ, supplemented by a variety of interactive features and additional mental object.

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Wednesday 20 August 2008

Does Hewitt's Weight Loss Make Her a Liar?

Eight months ago, when bloggers railed on paparazzi shots of her fleshy skeleton in a skimpy bathing suit, Jennifer Love Hewitt posted a call to coat of arms on her Web site:
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"What I should be doing is celebrating some of the best years of my life and my mesh to the man of my dreams, instead of having to deal with photographers pickings invasive pictures from bad angles. � Like all women out there should, I dear my body," wrote Hewitt, who shimmied around in her skivvies as a star of Hanes' ad campaign.

The web log followed a series of particularly nasty headlines, including's infamous "We know what you ate this summer, Love -- everything!" The Web site later apologized, and Hewitt used the jibes to animate women to embrace their bodies, whatsoever the size.

"To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, place on a bikini -- put it on and stay strong," she wrote.

But now, the slimmed down "Ghost Whisperer" star is on the cover of Us Weekly, preening adjacent to the headline "Jennifer Love Hewitt Exclusive: 18 lbs in Ten Weeks!"

Though she tells the magazine she disoriented weight to boost her energy level and non because of nasty comments on the Internet, she posed on the cover with her head high, her smile triumphant, her "butt and boobs" shrink-wrapped in a form-fitting dress. The headline beside her might as well read, "See? I'm Skinny Again. Just Try and Call Me a Fattie Now."

What's up with Hewitt bucking the exercising weight loss bandwagon then jump on it?

"It doesn't transmit any sort of consistent message," aforementioned David Katz, director of Yale Medical School's Prevention Research Center. "One of the reasons to say 'I beloved the skin I'm in' is because you really do. Another reason is simply organism defensive -- 'I don't want to fess up but I'm going to say I'm happy and I'm going to lose 18 pounds in deuce-ace weeks as soon as I toilet.' I'm going to guess hers was the second reason."

"Her story doesn't make sense," Katz aforementioned. "If she had to lose free weight to grow her energy back, that means she wasn't OK with her weight back then. She didn't have enough energy."

Latifah Loved It, Then Lost It

It's non the showtime time a star has spoken prohibited against the stick-thin Hollywood standard entirely to turn around and drop pounds.

Queen Latifah refused to adapt to the Barbie-doll aesthetic when she migrated from the hip-hop realm into the mainstream entertainment manufacture. She rocked the red River carpet as hard as starlets fourth part her size and broke ground as a plus-size spokeswoman for Cover Girl cosmetics.

In November 2007 Latifah graced the cover of People magazine, grinning supra the headline "200 Lbs and Loving It!" She told the magazine that at 5 feet, 10 inches tall, she weighed "in the 2's" and couldn't be happier. "I feel more than comfortable with myself -- my sex, my outlook and my viewpoint," she said.

But two months later, in January 2008, she became the face of the Jenny Craig exercising weight loss campaign.

"For me, it's not around a trunk image sort of thing. I feel pretty convinced about world Health Organization I am," she aforementioned at a news league at the time. "But I do realize that I am a character model for a lot of people."

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Sunday 10 August 2008

Ben Stiller - Stiller Downey Jr Is A Genius

Ben Stiller has praised his Tropic Thunder co-star Robert Downey Jr, career him a 'genius'.

Speaking to Access Hollywood, Stiller aforementioned of the Iron Man star: "He's brilliant. I think he's probably one of the best actors I've ever worked with, if non the best".

Stiller and Downey Jr are joined by a turn of high profile comedians in the Vietnam war pic spoof, including Jack Black and Steve Coogan.

But it's Downey Jr's portrayal of Kirk Lazarus, an doer who goes to uttermost lengths to acquire a part in the film, including pigmenting his skin so he can play an African American, which draws the greatest praise from Stiller.

"I'm having this experience of watching him and improvize and take this character which isn't an easy proposition to make this guy relatable, and he's just amazing," he said.

"I just think it's astonishing seeing him have the respect and success at this point in his life afterward everything he's been through. He deserves it. So I was really excited to crop with him."

Stiller, who co-wrote, directed and stars in the photographic film admits the character could potentially be seen as being controversial.

"I felt up we had to be really authorise about what our point of horizon was where the mood was climax from with this motion picture," he added.

"We were satirising actors and the lengths actors go to for recognition and attention."

Tropic Thunder is released in the UK on September 19th.

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